Middle Creek Wildlife Management asked us to design a three part kiosk system for their entrance. The solution we created is stunning and gave the staff at Middle Creek an impression of permanence and thoughtfulness. There are three kiosks and each one was designed and programmed in-house. All the interface and touch activated systems we custom tailored to fit the exact needs of Middle Creek Wildlife Management.
Visitors can document the wildlife that they see using the first kiosk. With this data Middle Creek can better understand the wildlife in the area and how habitat changes are interacting with nature. Now anyone can help with the science of wildlife preservation.
The center kiosk functions as a connection panel to help visitors stay connected and informed about what is going on at Middle Creek. They can be notified through a variety of social networking processes such as instagram, facebook and email. Guests can also volunteer to help with work events here with little effort.
The last panel is for donating to the wildlife conservation cause. Middle Creeks already active donation system through their website will connect with this system as well. The permanent kiosk system will give donators a feeling of security.
Be sure to stop in at Middle Creek to see the kiosks, and enjoy all the great wildlife that is there. They have many great things to see and there is a constant flow of events to get involved with.