The team at Exhibit Studios has a soft spot for vintage and classic games. The design and artistic skill applied to them is astounding. Even though technology, at the time, was primitive compared to what we now enjoy.
Exhibit Studios needed a small and portable 10×10 foot exhibit that would fully capture the excitement and sentiment of these vintage games and the culture of Exhibit Studios. Meanwhile there are now kits available to build such arcade systems, the console we designed and built was entirely custom-made in-house. The results are certainly spectacular.
Also the LED lights in this display really dazzle anyone entering our showroom where we currently display the set. Over 1772 individual LED lights flash and flicker to many varied types of patterns and motion algorithms. On the back wall, there is a large boom box sign made of multiple layers of acrylic that we CNC cut in-house with our fabrication equipment. Even the boom box is entirely backlit with LED lights and has 192 sound synced lights in the cassette tape. They dance with the music it plays. Oh, and yes, it does play music. Speakers emit a nice rich audio canvas of sound that really makes this a party magnet at shows. Complete with equalizer and many music tracks from the era that these games were made.
Also the back wall has five computer monitors attached to it with animated characters displayed on them. Our own staff created the animation that loop and play continuously using Raspberry Pie mini computers.
Of course Exhibit Studios attends local shows with this display, complete with our staff dressed in Pac-Man patterned clothing. This is truly only the tip of the iceberg for our creative abilities. Much more can be done at Exhibit Studios. With one press of a button, this display comes to life every morning. Let us bring your ideas to life too.